The kitchen dashboard summarises on a week-by-week basis the temperature records that have been submitted, and highlights tasks and temperature records that might have been missed.
Step 1
Log into Hopsy. At your venue home, if you're on a phone or tablet, click the 3 line menu icon to open up your venue options.
Step 2
Under the 'Overview' dropdown, select 'Performance'
Step 3
Select the 'Kitchen Dashboard' Tab
The view shows a weekly snapshot of the number of checks that have been performed across each kitchen metric for each day. This dashboard shows records in 'realtime'.
Compulsory daily temperatures that have been missed show a red 'x'.
Optional categories with no records are shown with a '-'
Records that have been captured are shown by a number. The number represents the amount of records that have been recorded that day.
The week being viewed can be changed using the date selector at the top of the screen.