We have various billing methods. For payment questions, talk to us.
To Cancel your subscription, click here.
Your Billing Portal:
Most of what you need, you will find on your billing portal:
Step 1
As a company staff member with admin access, log in to Hopsy and head to your company settings:
Step 2
Hit the company 'Settings' tab.
Select 'Billing'
Click 'Manage Subscription'.
Step 3
You can:
Change your payment method
Change your billing information
See & Print your invoices
Cancel your subscription
How do I see / print my invoices?
Head to your billing portal using the instructions above. Here, you'll see your payment history. Click the payment you require:
Once loaded, you can choose to download an invoice, or a full payment receipt:
If you have any issues or would like talk to us about your subscription, you can contact us at hello@hopsy.co.uk.