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How to rota staff at your venue

How do I add shifts on my staff rota?

Matt V avatar
Written by Matt V
Updated over a week ago

Effective staff management is the backbone of your hospitality business. Good rota communication is essential.

Hopsy allows accurate and informative shift planning, automatically displaying the cost of each day, and allowing visual deployment analysis through the day graph functions.

Adding Shifts

Head to the 'Staff Rota' under the 'Staff' dropdown on Hopsy.

Using the date selector in the top right, you can navigate to the week in which you wish to build a rota.

For the correct day, and the correct employee, click the + icon inside the corresponding box.

The shift start time and end time can be selected. For speed, these can be typed in using a keyboard.

  • If necessary, split shifts can be added using the 'Add Shift' button, and breaks can be planned by clicking 'Add Break +'.

  • Using the 'Work until close' toggle allows you to plan a finish time visible to management, but only communicates the word 'Close' to the staff member, allowing a flexible finish time to be communicated.

  • Different work departments can be assigned to each shift to add segregation to different teams in your business.

  • You can assign staff members to work departments on Hopsy. Click here for instructions.

  • You can use the Day View to help you build your rota in line with your deployment requirements. Click the Day View button to access this.

Publishing a Rota

When you have entered all shifts required, the shifts display in an unpublished state. Only the 'Manager' and any 'Admin' roles on Hopsy will be able to see this rota.

When you are ready to communicate the rota to your team. Hit the 'Publish shifts' button. The rota will immediately be shared with all users at your venue. Shifts are now displayed in blue to signify that the rota is published and is visible by all:

Any additional shifts added after the rota has been published will also need to be published. Use the same publish button to publish and communicate these extra shifts.

The Day View

Any day on the rota can be clicked to access the Day View. This view drills down to the Hopsy deployment graphs for each day. Here, the graphs show a visual representation of how you have deployed your team across the day.

  • This is especially useful with larger teams to ensure you have deployed team in line with your sales expectations.

  • The day controller at the top displays which day you are currently analysing. Selecting a different day will display the graph for that day instead.

  • Existing shifts can be edited from here, and extra shifts can be added with the + Add Shift button.

  • The department filter allows analysis of shifts by department too.

  • Any breaks added to shifts are displayed on the graphs, allowing effective break times to be planned.

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