Step 1
Log in to Hopsy and navigate to the company settings by clicking your company name in the bottom left of any screen. - You must be a company user to do this.
Step 2
Select the 'Compliance' tab and then select 'Managed Compliance Checklists'
Step 3
Identify which checklist you no longer require as a company, and click into this checklist.
Step 4
Push the 'Archive' button.
All tasks to complete this checklist will be deleted immediately across your estate.
No venues will have access to run this checklist.
Historical records will be preserved and venues will have access to these.
Step 5
Tick the box and push 'Confirm'
Archived checklists are stored in their own section on the company compliance checklist page. They can be 'unarchived' and returned into action at any time. To do this, click into the archived checklist, and press the 'Unarchive' button.