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What are 'Policies'? - A guide to policies for venue managers.
What are 'Policies'? - A guide to policies for venue managers.

A guide to company policies on Hopsy. What are they, and what do I need to do?

Matt V avatar
Written by Matt V
Updated over 3 years ago

What Are Policies?

The 'Policies' function within the 'Compliance' section of Hopsy allows your company to communicate information with you at your venue. The reading of these policies then forms part of your venue score.

Commonly, policies are used for the communication of important health & safety information, like a 'glass handling policy' or 'what to do after an accident', but may often be used to promote company standards too.

The policy score then allows the company to measure how well their estate is 'up to speed' with the necessary information shared.

Your company can choose 2 options when listing each policy:

  • The venue manager must read

  • All venue staff must read

How are policies read?

For policies listed by your company that all staff must read, a task for each employee to read each policy will be generated into your task list alongside your other daily tasks.

  • Each task clearly states the employee and the policy that is required to be read.

  • Each policy task is automatically assigned to the appropriate employee. Please note their initials on the right hand side of the task. This means that this task is also automatically visible in their own individual task list (found in the 'Overview' under their username dropdown). Click here to learn about this.

  • In the task list at the 'venue home', all of the tasks for all employees are listed here for clarity over what is still left to complete, however, employees can only complete their own tasks. For example - In the above, Zak cannot complete Chris' task to read the COSHH Policy. However, Chris is required to complete the 2 that are assigned to him.

  • If there are no policy reading tasks found in the task list, then all policy reads are complete.

  • Please note - If new staff join your business, Hopsy will automatically generate tasks for these new people to read all current policies.

How do my staff read their policies?

You can click here for a quick and easy guide to show your staff how to read any policies that they are required to read.

How can I see who has and hasn't read each policy?

Head to the 'Policies' tab under the 'Compliance' dropdown. Here, all live and current policies are listed, along with the records for previous policies that have been archived by your company. (Archived policies remain here for reference purposes only, and new staff members will not be required to read these.)

Click in to the desired policy to find more information on who has read and who needs to read....

At the bottom of the page you will also find the date and time information around exactly when each employee read each policy for due diligence purposes.

How will my score be effected?

When your company lists a policy, they can choose to provide you with a scoring grace period. During this grace period, you, and your staff will be able to read and sign off the policies required and your score will not be hindered. Your company should communicate this grace period with you if they have applied this.

To see and understand your policy score, head to your venue performance page on Hopsy. Performance can be found under the 'Overview' tab or by clicking the 'Explain My Score' link on the venue home page.

At this page, the policy element of your venue score is displayed for the date range selected above. Hovering your mouse over specific days on the graph will also display performance breakdowns for that particular day.

To understand what may have hindered these scores, the 'Outstanding Items' tab on the performance page can be selected.

Here, each company policy is listed, along with the detail of who has not 'read' each policy. To score 100% for policies, simply ensure these people read each policy on Hopsy

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