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Understanding My Venue Score

Help me understand how my venue scores

Matt V avatar
Written by Matt V
Updated over a year ago

Your venue generates 2 scores, and these can be always be found at the the top of every screen at your venue on Hopsy.

In the example above:

  • 'Current Score' shows how your venue performed on a whole across the scoring metrics yesterday in isolation.

  • 'Venue Score - August' refers to how your venue has performed from the 1st date of the current month until todays date cumulatively, to show performance on a whole, over time.

To find more information on how your venue score is made up, clicking the score will drill to detail.

The graph shows a visual representation of the total venue score over the time period in the date range selected. Use the date range function to navigate to different time periods you may wish to analyse.

What factors make up the venue score?

There are 3 scoring categories that make up the total Daily and Monthly scores:

  • Compliance - Rating comprised of completion of the company required compliance checks. Completing checks late, or missing required checks hinder this score.

  • Risk Assessments - Completion of the necessary company listed Risk Assessments. These are an annual requirement.

  • Policies - Written company policies that are listed by the company are required to be read and signed through Hopsy by either venue management, or all venue employees depending on the settings selected by the company. The policy score reflects the completion of policy readings across your venue team.

The toilet check score is also listed here. For information on how toilet checks are scored, click here.

Please note: Toilet checks, although detailed here, DO NOT form part of the total venue score.

How do I improve my score? How do I know what is outstanding?

Policies & Risk Assessments

  • Selecting the 'Outstanding Items' tab in your performance report will give clarity on exactly which policies are unread and by who, and exactly which risk assessments require completion.

  • Ensuring there are no unread policies and no outstanding risk assessments here will yield a 100% daily score.

Please note: The monthly score cannot be 100% unless it has been 100% each day in that current month.

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