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Updating a Company Policy

How do I update a company policy?

Matt V avatar
Written by Matt V
Updated over a week ago

What Are Policies?

The 'Policies' function within Hopsy allows companies to communicate important information with venues. The reading of these policies then forms part of the venue score, allowing the communication of this information to be tracked.

If you need to make changes to a policy, you can make these edits and release a new policy 'version'. You will require 'company staff' access to do this.

Please Note: If you make any amendments to a company policy, all staff will be required to re-read and sign the new version of the policy?

How to update a policy:

Step 1 - As with all company configuration, to update a policy, head to the company settings by clicking the company name at the bottom left of any screen. (You must be a company user to access this).

Step 2 - Select the 'Compliance' tab and click in to 'Policies'.

Step 3 - Find and click into the policy that you wish to adapt.

Step 4 - Push 'Publish New Version'.

Text Policies

If your policy is in 'text' format, your original policy will populate, and you can make any adjustments to this text that you require.

Document Policies

If your policy is in 'document' format, then you are required to upload a new document to your new policy version.

Step 5 - At the bottom of the page, push 'Publish Policy'

Your policy will be live across your estate immediately, and tasks to re-read this policy amendment will be generated instantly in accordance with your settings.

Please note, staff will have 3 days to read any policy amendments before your venues scores will be affected.

For more information:

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